Business consultancy
Setting up a business today has to be quick and uncomplicated. Nevertheless, there are some important factors
that need to be
considered. Years of experience are definitely a plus. We are happy to pass on this experience to you and
advise you on the
foundation, as well as on the management and structuring of your company.
Accompaniment for company foundation / start-ups
These days, tart-ups can be accomplished relatively easily. Still, for a long-term survival and succes the
requires a great deal of expertise.
Restructuring of a company
A clear structuring of a company serves to apply the intended strategy at all levels of the company.
Depending on the
orientation of the company, this strategy and structure can be adapted and changed.
Liquidation of a company
A liquidation is primarily about ending existing business, reducing and ending liabilities, as well as
receivables. In this way, a company form is shut down for a longer period of time, or even completely
Business consultancy
Advising management on tax planning, accounting, strategy, as well as taking on board mandates.
Let's think entrepreneurial together!